Sunday, September 28, 2014

Proposal Presentation

So last Friday, I did a presentation for my proposal regarding ambient media. So, of course the topic was about kids with AIDS. My concept for this project was a stand of a child with messages regarding kids who suffer AIDS in a way that attracted the public in an empathy way.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


So here we go with the sketches of my plan. This one is about the stand of a child with messages.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Kids with AIDS

After some changes of the perspective of the topic, I decided to do some research about the lives of kids with AIDS. The research seemed to be troublesome but it was worth it. Kids who have been living with AIDS have been facing the horrors of poverty and neglect. Worse, the adults in their lives who could take care of them died due to HIV/AIDS. So, the main focus of the project this time is to bring awareness to the public about these unfortunate kids and bring some empathy. My proposed plan is a stand of a kid with messages that allows the public to possibly interact with it. As of the sketches, it will be done soon enough.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hello, one who views this!

Greetings! This is the one I'll be using for Personal Project subject. Bear with me, despite the pain of going through the research for my likely campaign, I chose to do for the HIV/AIDS campaign.HIV, together with AIDS have killed a lot of people.It can be spread through sex without the use of condoms and bondage along with drug usage through shared needles. Awareness has been spread through ambient media before but of course most of the ones I saw involve condoms. So I thought wouldn't it be nice if I try my hand in bringing this to my plan for my ambient media project. For my project, I'm intending to do something close to the mirror poster as a concept. Except in my version, it would be a flip style poster with a bad one at the front but with a good advice beneath it like a flip calendar sort of poster. Well, one of my ideas for this one. There will be more of the stuff I thought to discuss.